Our Commitment
FCE Projects is committed to upholding global standards of corporate responsibility and sustainability. This commitment is demonstrated through our participation in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a framework that aligns with our values and principles.
We are proud to announce our support for the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which encompass human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. This endorsement signifies our dedication to integrating these principles into our company’s strategy, culture, and daily operations.
By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures and establishing a culture of integrity, we are not only upholding the basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also setting the stage for long-term success.
As a participating member of the UN Global Compact, we understand the importance of public accountability and transparency. Therefore, we commit to submitting an annual Communication on Progress (COP) report, detailing our efforts to implement the Ten Principles.
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